Contibelt Band Systeme GmbH

Derschstrasse 38 Ladendorf , Austria
Tel: +43 2575 2304
Fax: +43 2575 2304-15



Since 1991, Contibelt has been developing and producing high quality process belts made of selected stainless- and special steels. These form an integral part  of a wide variety of industrial production processes. From our headquarters in Austria, we supply our products and services of acknowledged quality to industrial customers around the globe. Planning, manufacturing and sales of solid steel belts remain our most important business. We realize that the conveyor belt is essential to making continuous processes economical and we wish to offer the most economic steel belt solition to our customer. The design and quality are chosen to conform to the individual requirements such as strength, hardness, abrasion, corrosion, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion etc.
