Marco Ecuador S.A.

Av. 22 y Av. Flavio Reyes Local # 16 Manta , Ecuador
Tel: +593 042 530 195
Fax: +593 052 610 754



Marco Peruana SA is a company that is part of the Global Division MARCO Group, group of companies with presence in 5 countries for 60 years providing a wide variety of products, services and solutions to a wide range of customers in the fisheries, mining, industrial, and maritime-port transportation. Peruvian Marco S. A. was created in 1965 to serve the Peruvian fishing sector. Marco Peruana SA, through the years, strong position in the areas of Electrical, Marine equipment and deck machinery and hydraulics. Is headquartered in the Callao and Branches in Chimbote and Pisco. Aware that to grow is important diversification of sectors, from the year 1994 begins with the development of oil hydraulic projects to the mining and sale of refrigeration equipment Transport Sector.
