Falkland Islands Chamber Of Commerce

West Hillside Stanley , Falkland Islands
Tel: +500 22264
Fax: +500 22265

Website: http://www.dhl.com

Website: http://www.falklandislandschamberofcommerce.com

The Chamber of Commerce is the Falkland Islands leading private sector, member focused business organisation. The Chamber is a key player in the Falkland Islands for lobbying, service provision and setting the business and economic agenda on behalf of our members and the business community. We also seek to assist those interested in doing business in the Islands to find out more about what services and supplies are available from the business community.   Through our weekly bulletin and regular meetings with the membership we try to keep in touch with our member's views and concerns.   The Falkland Economy was many years ago based on wool.The Falklands current prosperity has been built on the successful local management and operation of the Fishing Industry. The Service Sector has flourished due to the activity and prosperity this has brought to the Islands together with the growth of the tourist industry.   The Oil Exploration round in 2010 will bring with it much in the way of economic activity and a welcome diversification in our sources of income. The potential is immense as is the risk and the next 12 months could be transformational for the Islands economy.With or without Oil the Chamber believes its role is to lobby to create the right economic environment for its members businesses and the Falkland Economy to grow. 
