Bienvenido a la Promotora del Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica (PROCOMER) En Procomer buscamos facilitar el desarrollo y fortalecer la capacidad exportadora costarricense. Por ello, lo invitamos a realizar trámites de exportación en línea y le brindamos información de la oferta exportable costarricense y las estadísticas de exportación.
It is an organization dedicated to the promotion of exports and the consolidation of foreign investment in the country, which acts through a series of tools to promote products and services that make up the national exportable supply.
Among the information provided by the institution are: studies and market profiles, as well as monitoring the food, agriculture, plants, flowers and foliage, industrial, medical, chemical and pharmaceutical industries and the service sector.
PROCOMER also has 5 offices in different regions of the country and 5 offices in major customs posts of the country and 10 trade promotion offices in various countries.