Orskov Yard A/S

Havnepladsen 12 Frederikshavn , Denmark
Tel: +45 9620 8500
Fax: +45 9620 8585
Tel: +45 96 20 85 00
Fax: +45 96 20 85 85

Email: orskov@orskov.dk

Website: http://www.orskov.dk

Website: http://www.orskovyard.dk

We are delighted to welcome you to Orskov Yard A/S. Orskov Yard A/S is the new incarnation of Ørskov Christensens Steelshipyard A/S’s repair division with experiences since 1958. Orskov Yard A/S is a limited company, privately owned by the Ørskov family and located in Frederikshavn, Denmark. Frederikshavn is next to the gateway to the Baltic Sea, in the heart of Scandinavia and at the northern tip of the European continent, with easy access by sea, air and road. Orskov Yard A/S converts and repairs all types of vessels. 4 docks up to 215 x 34 metres. The yard employs 230 people and has close cooperation with a wide range of sub contractors. Orskov Yard A/S and companies in and around Frederikshavn cover all work involved in ship repair and conversion, such as overhauling engines, welding propellers, straightening propeller shafts, overhauling thrusters, sandblasting and painting etc
