Bio-Aqua AS

Bissrup Havnevej 44 Rude , Denmark
Tel: +45 55 42 10 01
Fax: +45 55 42 10 02



BIO-AQUA works innovative in various environmental fields. BIO-AQUA has taken or apllied for several patents. The focus is especially on recovery of resources inside the wastewater for animal feed, energy or as fertilizers. BIO-AQUA has many years of experience working with ozone-applications. BIO-AQUA  is a smaller size company, but most work has been executed internationnally: BIO-AQUA has delivered products and solutions in Canada, Chile, Danmark, Holland, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Peru, Sri Lanka, UK. Common to these project is the fact that our customers wants to use/reuse resources in the wastewater along with the cleaning of the wastewater The outcoming products are fertilizers, compost, animal feed, reuse. + reduction of BOD/COD, suspended solids etc. 
