Sterner Aqua Group - Headquarters

Anolitveien 16, P.O.Box 3534 Ski , Norway
Tel: +47 64 85 94 20
Fax: +47 64 85 94 10





Sterner Fish Tech AS was established in 1990 as a result of the discontinuation of technical equipment to the aquaculture industry by the two feed companies, EWOS AS and T. Skretting AS. Gradually, the assortment of products has narrowed and specialised into deliveries of equipment to hatcheries, fingerlings, brood fish and to research farms. In 1993, we expanded our activity with the establishment of Sterner Aqua Tech AS, which is specialised in delivery of equipment to water treatment in aquaculture. Today, Sterner AquaTech AS mainly deliver larger projects to both the aquaculture industry and the process industry. Due to increased inquries from foreign countries, especially Scotland, Ireland and Chile, Sterner AquaTech UK Ltd was established in July 2001 and Sterner AquaTech Chile S.A. (NorChi Aqua Ltda.) in December 2002. Today, the Sterner companies have their main office in Ski, 25 km southeast of Oslo, branch offices in Bergen and Lofoten, together with the branch offices in Inverness, Scotland and Puerto Montt, Chile. We are 21 engaged employees who will have a turnover of ca. 70 millions NOK in 2003, mainly from our storehouse in Ski, which has about 2500 articles in stock. The deliveries include small spare parts, hatching equipment, fish pumps, grading machines, feeding systems and large complete deliveries of technical plants for filtration, disinfection and oxygen regulation of inlet water. --------- The group split in: Sterner AquaTech AS Sterner Fish Tech AS changes the name to Fish Tech AS Sterner AS
