Sago Solutions AS

Skaranesvegen 4, Sagvåg , Norway



Sago Solutions AS, Sagvåg develops an innovative catch-securing system for line fishing, especially for use in connection with fishing for toothfish in the South Sea. In this fishery there is a  problem with whales eating the fish on the line when it is hauled to the surface. This problem may be so great that it threatens sustainability in parts of the industry. In particular, sperm whales and killer whales can in some waters steal about 75% of the catch. The same problem also exists in connection with for example the Greenland halibut fishery in the Vesterålen region in Norway. In addition to the financial loss, this also generates environmental challenges. The fleet must spend longer time filling its quotas, resulting in increased emissions in vulnerable areas. Whales get access to large amounts of food without active hunting, and for the killer whale, toothfish is not part of its natural diet, as they live at different depths.
