D' Elite

C/ Amadeus 51 Calella - Barcelona , Spain
Tel: +34 93 766 11 35
Fax: +34 93 769 57 88
Tel: 937661135
Fax: 937695788
Tel: +34937661135
Tel: 34937661135

Email: delite@delite.es

Email: peter@delite.es

Email: jorge@delite.es

Website: http://www.delite.es

Website: www.delite.es , www.salmonescoces.es

Website: www.delite.es, www.salmonescoces.es

Website: www.delite.es

Website: www.seafarm.nl

D'Elite sells blades, cockles, crayfish, oysters, sole, turbot, mullet, ream and salmon bought directly from the Netherlands, Ireland and Scotland. We represent in exclusive in Spain the famous Scottish salmon Loch Duart, distinguished with the seal Label Rouge, a quality certification granted by the French Ministry of Agriculture to the products that demonstrate superior quality and flavor. We are the distributor and sales office of the Seafarm BV single company in the Netherlands with its patented fishing knife system. Seafarm BV initiates the purification of the blades already on board. We package our products in our own facilities controlled by independent laboratories. We work under strict HACCP control and have recently been declared an "exemplary company" by the Dutch Ministry of Fisheries. We are the only company in the Netherlands that purifies seafood in its own source water. 
