Cryolog S.A.

58 boulevard Gustave Roch, Marché d'intérêt national Nantes cedex 2 , France
Tel: +33 2 40 08 60 75
Fax: +33 2 51 82 70 06



Vision : Globally, the agri-food, health and other industries will rethink the design, production and distribution of their products thanks to the input of innovative traceability technologies. By analysing and modelling product evolution mechanisms, CRYOLOG opens up new perspectives for industrials in terms of product life cycle management. Mission : CRYOLOG's mission consists in developing intelligent traceability solutions. These solutions enable all industrial sectors to make significant progress from an economical, logistical and marketing point of view. CRYOLOG endeavours to be a choice partner for companies who want to add value to their products.
