MerluNor AS

Sætre Brekke , Norway
Tel: +47 41 54 20 60



Merlunor AS address Sætre, 5961 BREKKE but another another address is :AAmaalveien 33B Droebak N-440  The company's name in the Company Register is Merlunor AS . The company was founded in 1998 and is registered as a corporation under the business "buying and selling of real state." Accounts for 2005 showed a turnover of NOK 208 000 The share capital of NOK 1 085 000  Former names of company: Kinsedal AS. Corporate Governance / Board of Directors are: Ragnar Salte (Chairman), Harald Wærsted Tack (Director), Odd Salt (board)  At 2008/09/30 MerluNor is a commercial partner in CALMARO (cal.mar.o) project. The CALMARO Initial Training Network aims at improving the career perspectives of early researchers by offering structured training in the field of Calcification by Marine Organisms as well as providing complementary skills and exposing  the researchers to other sectors including private companies. Scientific focus: CALMARO comprises investigation of calcareous structures as well as calcification processes and the sensitivities to changes in environmental conditions at all scales ranging from cellular, organism, population to ecosystem, and regional to global levels. 
