CPMO - Centro de Pesquisa Mokiti Okada / Mokichi Okada Research Center

Estrada Municipal Camaquã, s/nº - Rodovia SP 191, Km 82 Ipeúna , Brazil
Tel: +55 (19) 3576-1588

Email: cpmo@cpmo.org.br

Website: http://www.cpmo.org.br

Mokichi Okada Research Center develops researches in agriculture and livestock based on Nature Farming, agricultural model advocated by Mokichi Okada (Japan, 1882-1955). Our activities encompass three main approaches: soil natural fertility and resilience capacity; organic seeds bred to organic market and agroecological productions and nutritional and welfare handling of the livestock systems. Driven by this enormous challenge, Mokichi Okada Research Center develops agricultural researches, towards the efficient use of biomass, the adjustment of soil chemical, physical and biological properties, the nutrients bioavailability from soil, as well as the alternative control for plant pests and diseases. Moreover, vegetables and grains seeds adapted for agroecological model are bred. In the livestock production topics, researches focused on the welfare criteria and nutritional strategies are also performed and this aims is reach animal which are naturally able to overcome health challenges without use of antibiotics, chemotherapy and growth-promoters.
