Acuinova S.L.

Finca el Dique 21400 Ayamonte , Spain
Tel: +34 959 621 204
Fax: +34 959 621 208



The business structure of Pescanova in aquaculture is oriented towards the development of technology and production capacity to integrate all and each of the processes involved in aquaculture farming Acuinova have INSUIÑA and plant nurseries and pre-fattening and fattening of turbot, sea bream, sea bass, sole and shrimp. The Live Prawn Acuinova (Marsupenaeusjaponicus) in group PESCANOVA, its appearance is brindle with brown and yellow bands well marked and clean meat and consistent. Acuinova cultivates his Prawns in its facilities in the Guadalquivir river mouths and Prawns Living Guadiana.Los Acuinova not have any type of preservative or antioxidant. Acuinova facilities: Acuinova España : El Dique, San Carlos and La Carabela Acuinova Portugal: Mira
